If you are able to make a regular print from your image but it shows up as too small when you send it, you have done one of two things. You have inadvertently sent the THUMBNAIL IMAGE of your file instead of the full one, or you have allowed your editing or email software to downsize the image too much. When you resize a digital image file, you are doing so either through a save or export command, and save and export are essentially the same thing - a saved image. The one thing you need to be careful about when resizing is to give the new image a unique name so it does not replace your original image. You can do this through your editing program (Windows, Apple Photo, Lightroom, Photoshop, etc. or by attaching your image to an email) If you do the latter, you must tell your email program to send the image as ACTUAL SIZE. When you send an image as an email attachment, start with the email and then attach the image. Don't drag and drop images, go through the menus and select the image that way. You may think a medium size image is big enough, but it isn’t. Worst case scenario is that if the image is too big, I can resize it on my end. If you save the image through your editing program, be sure to go to the settings that control the size of the save file and select a value between 2 and 6 MB.